Monday, July 19, 2010


at last.....
hibari new song!!!!
love it>>__<<<
hibari=GOOD!XD(fangirl modeXD)
tuna and Basil=cuteXD
Chrome,lambo,i-pin,haru,and kyoko=cute tooXD
other=good i thinkXXD

Sunday, July 11, 2010


just update new songXD
sakura kuraXXD

man...i wish i were good in eng
so i can type my fangirl storyXXD at fanfiction(27x18,69x18,and 96x18)XXD
(no hentai and Yaoi da***!!XD)
just a bit Shōnen-ai??XD*nosebleed*(joking^^)
and my 1(oppss..secondXXD)manga colouring(hibari-sama!!XD)
and katekyo hitman reborn ep 191(no bloodXXD)
anyway....i love luki?XD just be friends